Luke Is Back I Retract The Playboy Buying AVN Story And I Apologize To AVN, Paul Fishbein, And To AVN's EmployeesA few weeks ago, without giving Paul Fishbein adequate time to respond, I published a story that Playboy was buying AVN.
I had four separate sources telling me this, including two sources who have been giving me accurate information for a long time.
When AVN stoutly denied the story, my sources stood by it. So did I until now.
Now, based on everything I know, I conclude I was wrong about Playboy buying AVN.
In my writing on Playboy buying AVN, I included the shot: "AVN's employees will be the last to know."
I apologize to AVN's employees for making them fear for their jobs.
Fair enough, Luke. It's a damn shame you weren't on the money, but it takes a big man to admit his error. You have gone up a notch in my estimation once again. Please do not make a habit of it.