
She seems to handle herself just fine. Fuck that dr 90120 guy. He makes his fucking living off of insecurity and then tries to lecture someone about being a whore. Fuck him. Women who are un-apologetic about their sexuality scare the fuck out of people. Just like anyone else that doesn't follow someone elses idea of living. That shit is bottom feeding at it's worst. They should be ashamed of the career path they chose, not Sasha Grey.

The ultimate hypocrisy is that Dr. 90210--who I am quite sure has a bleached asshole, thank you--obviously couldn't give a shit about the future of an everyday ugly-ass 18-year-old crack whore. Especially a black one.

So, given the pointless amount of mainstream attention she's getting, I agree that Sasha's doing pretty well at presenting herself as an unapologetic whore. Teenaged rhetorical blunders included.