Red Light's decision to purchase and distribute this has me kind of confused.
Unlike, say, Paris Hilton, Screech is not exactly someone who I care to see in any sort of carnal act, and neither are the whores he's cavorting with, judging by the box cover. Granted, Paris is ugly and sucks cock like a half-retarded heroin addict. But nonetheless the potential to heavily bank upon her sex tape was there so it is understandable in her case, or the case of any celebrity or psuedo-celebrity that the public gives half a shit about. However, I don't think that Dustin Diamond is one of these people.
Also, I'm pretty sure that it's safe to say that more people will probably be watching this for the freakshow factor rather than to using it for actual masturbation fodder. The second this is uploaded onto torrents, p2p networks, etc., everyone who wants to see it is just going to download it instead of actually shelling out money for the DVD.
One more thing: How and why can this contain a real dirty sanchez? I was under the impression that the current administration is just looking for an excuse to pop people for that kind of thing.
What do you all think?