Dude, I make my points clear and I don't " insinuated", by using under-tones. Once again you continue to read what you wish. Explain why he had to push his large penis all the way in her, after hearing her cries, and if she felt she wasn't going to get paid, she would have said STOP!

How is that good sexual entertainment?

I sense you go around saying nigga with your pants hanging down while making everyone, including America culpable.

Tell me, what is the real reason why you don't show a concern, rather envy some stereotypical figure that finds exploiting his race and penis superior, because he can?

What do you exploit other than your hand and paper towels?

There is a connection toward society and porn. Just like legit actors saying they don't want to play stereotypical roles any longer, but are the first on line when one comes forth, toward a very unstable female thinking the only job she can have is selling her body, soul, and Americanism like Brooke Scott did to bastard exploit driven industry heads for a small fee....

Dude, I'm threw defending your pointless comments. Challenge me or don't bother. It's ashame you had a difficult time reading words on a screen. Perhaps, you should focus more or reading concepts than naive porn females you envy and desire.

I can see if you look like the guy in "Mask', but geesh, take your hand from below and stop using porn as an escape.