Hello folks, nice site also my first post.


I have an issue, concerning Brooke Scott's performance on the “BB" website. It's this guy called 'Maxx that has now replaced Ramon I assume. Of course given it's the popular BB, but in my view tasteless, moral-less, and business lacking online company, I felt once again a naive exploited female got what she deserved for choosing sex over a career and profound life.

I couldn't understand why "Maxx", more or less coming from a pot and '40 once break sexually abused her which allot of male performers do, especially the more stereotypical and urban ones.

Of course, unfairly he was blessed with a large penis. But that doesn't give him or any other male the right, to make a female feel very inferior and uncomfortable during a sexual situation. He made her hurt simply put, which was typical and distrait.

He didn't have to put his whole penis in her, but he did because he wanted to punish her. I don't know why, but I do have a perception.

His performance didn't make it enjoyable, rather very pitied and typical among urban and very stereotypical performers who feel, the whole "white chick and big blk @@@@@", is rejoiced within this generation, rather than saying I won't be apart of a concept, that puts negative emphasis on my skin tone, ethnicity, existence, genitialia, and country.

The sad thing is females like Brooke Scott, will continuously think males that share his skin tone solely, can only be stereotypical and urban with large exploited penises, using Ebonics as America's new official language.

I feel sorry for the guys with darker skin tones who don’t have large penises and who are also not stereotypical, urban, and immoral.

His performance is more than hurting her image, but hurting his image and all those who are the total opposite who are also trapped by his negative exploitation being the dominant.

Shame on BB, for running a tasteless and immoral business that only proves sex sells and you don't have to have intelligence and an education to make money. Porn to me is just like illegal drugs; they both prey on human insecurities and that need for an escape.