You know, you people never cease to amaze me with your double standards.You EXPECT the female "talent",and I use that term loosely, to do anal, but the minute a male has a female touch that area..... OMG he's gay. You guys are pathetic, with nothing better to do than sit here and rag on people many of you have never met. If you think it makes you look BIG ..eehhh WRONG.... it makes you look small minded and bigoted.
Walrus, I hate to tell you but not all films are made just for men,women watch too and I'm watching for the men not the women. So I hate when they do reverse cowgirl and can't see the guy. But do I come here and complain?... No,because I have a life outside of this.
And Willie, you have to resurrect a thread that's sat 9 days because you have nothing else interesting to comment on... that's sad.....
I only came on here because of a friend, believe me otherwise I wouldn't bother myself with this negative,self-centered crap.You even turn on your own..... gotta love that pack mentality. Turn on the weakest amongst yourselves.