

Like many of us whores, we always get an e-mail or two that stands out above the rest. Here's one of them that should fulfill all of your guys' anti-Brazilian fetish here at XPT. I'm not sure if I should reply to fuck with him or ignore. Tough decisions. Enjoy:

Nov 10 2006 1:20 AM Flag spam/abuse [ ? ]

Subject: Hi Gen! I've got an IRRESISTABLE BUSINESS PROP 4 U!!!

Body: Hey there sexxxy, I hope u actually read this cuz i'm sure u'll be interested! Well, 2 make a looooooong story short, I'm moving to Rio de Janiero in March to eventually start a travel agency/personal security and tourguide/conciegre service with a few of my friends that live there. Until i learn the language fluently i will be directing and producing adult films with local S. American talent, as well as willing participants from various other countries. U are more than welcome to work with me and my Brasilian and Argentinian crew of gorgeous ladies and hung guys @ your own convenience. U may even bring along your choice of co-star(s)--Male and/or female!!! I, as the director/producer, will give the actors/actresses alot of artistic/creative freedom as to how they will perform and what, as well as who, they will do--that's how the best sex and porn happens.....right?!?

The flight, as well as other accommodations, will be paid for. Just think of it as a "working vacation" If u are interested or would like more info, feel free to contact me. I am a man of my word and ALWAYS follow thru w/ my promises. I hope 2 hear back from u! It would be a pleasure having u work for us in the future!!!

P.S: Please tell any of your friends in the industry about my proposition if u think they may be interested. I'd appreciate it GREATLY!!!



Ryan = Sportswami

I'm thinking this is a good fit. Swami moves to Rio, and then starts to stalk, rape, kill, and then eat every living thing in site. Please let this happen.
If cum was concrete, Quasarman would have a four lane freeway going down his throat. - pariah