After reading Crystal's note on some sites I have decided that I really had to tell my own story. When I first got into the business, I was approached at AIM Healthcare by someone who informed me they were a producer/director. It appeared to me that he was also approaching other girls doing the same thing. It's probably why they have their "no soliciting" notices up now. I received a business card - Ducati Productions - and was asked to call if I was interested in working with his company. I later learned this was Kevin Rubio. After we made contact, we talked about me coming over to shoot some photos that I could use on my web site. Well it turned into several sets of pictures and after I was very surprised he wanted a model release type paperwork since all along we had discussed it being for a web site featuring me and he was doing it as a favor to me to help me out. Why would he need a release? During the shoots he fucked me and I guess I was too naive to say no. So he got various photo sets (and maybe some video stuff that I can't recall right now), which I feel very confident have made their way to other web sites, with no payment or offer of payment made to me, and he fucked me. Having worked for other sites, I've received up to $1000 for doing the same types of photos - and never less than $800 - without getting fucked by a photographer/director. Furthermore, in my opinion, the photos were not professional and I don't feel he was a professional photographer as he lead me to believe.

I felt like it was some kind of casting couch thing that you always hear about before you get into the industry. At least with those stories the girl usually ends up getting paid. I believe this has likely happened to other girls who have worked with or for him, especially after reading Crystal's account, and I feel safe in sending this as a warning to new girls who are newer in the business and considering working for him. I acknowledge that everything that happened, I allowed to happen, but for new girls coming in, it is hard to know who to trust or believe, especially when the guys can come off as being so willing to help you.

I have made many movies now, but I have never felt so used as working with Ducati Productions. It has always left a bad taste in my mouth. In the mainstream work force, when someone makes sexual advances toward you who is in a position of power, not unlike a director or producer, that is called sexual harassment (or worse) and it is subject to a lawsuit. In porn we just chalk it up to "those poor dumb gullible girls" and a lot of people think we deserve being used like that. In no other adult company I've worked for has this happened.

There are parts of this story I am withholding based upon fear of retaliation from Kevin. They aren't pretty and will only further place question on his ethics. Based upon what he has done to other girls who have been brave enough to share their accounts, anonymity seems the safest way to approach this. However, if there are any repercussions from me writing this account, I will file a lawsuit against Ducati Productions because I know what happened that day and it wasn't right.