Today's (Oct 17) issue of USA Today had a 3 page in-depth article on Child Porn and the Internet. The story had the typical theme of how OVERWHELMED authorities are in fighting kiddie porn and the sick fuckers who make and use it. There was one incredibly disturbing anecdotal tale of a Chatroom visited by a number of seemingly respectable male citizens (a Banker, Engineer, a Doctor and a number of others) who watched a LIVE webcam broadcast of some guy molesting a 11 month old baby. The webcam show was FREE....
This highlights WHY Pedophilia is so incredibly heinous, and incredibly difficult to fight. It is NOT about making money or turning a profit (which some obviously do, but it is NOT the primary bent/goal of Child Pornographers, unlike "legal/Adult" pornographers who try to make money and approach it as a business.) Child Porn is simply about satisfying the addiction, feeding the craving...Kiddie Porn Collectors often freely TRADE their shit with each other and voluntarily give out advice and info on where shit is at, what to avoid, how to NOT get caught, etc. They operate under a whole different PARADIGM which makes the problem so OVERWHELMING.
There is a huge number of organizations and charities you can donate to help...I regularly donate to Save the Children, and I do know that you can specifically request that your donations be used for certain purposes, like helping victims of sexual exploitation/abuse/violence.
Are you gonna eat that?