

Only American Niggers have a problem with it. Niggers everywhere else in the world don't mind being called a Nigger. It's just a way of life for them.

Niggers here have too much freedom compared to their ancestors in other democratic western countries. Even more than their own homeland.

Dam dude, you suck at life all around. You write porno reviews that nobody gives a shit about leading you to have the firmest handshake in the valley, and you're a terrible racist to boot. When you suck at being ignorant, what's left to suck at? Time for you to toss in the towel. Oh yeah...

And this is coming from...let me guess...a NIGGER. I don't mind being ignorant but it sure beats being a cry baby about something that happened to my ancestors 200 years ago.

Hmmm...they had under 20,000 slaves in colonial days and yet there are over a little over 36,000,000 as of 2004. Strange cause our immigration policy towards African countries have been pretty tight for the last 100 years. That leaves us to believe the 20,000 bred 35,980,000 in a little over 200 years.

I don't even think rats breed that fast.