Quote: Does male talent get a "combat pay" bonus for such boner-challenging work?
No combat pay General, but they do get two weeks of R&R in Pattaya!
Sharon Mitchell said. "This is a population, you tell them to do something, and they won't do anything."We're not in the real world, we're in the world of porn."
#194402 - 06/27/0809:30 PMRe: Jewel's mom has no dignity
Willie D
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/20/05
Posts: 9185
Quote: I just had a terrific idea. You know that Blackstreet Dr. Dre song called 'No Diggity'? Someone should change the refrain to 'No Dignity' and rearrange the lyric to suit the DeNyle family tragedy what has been chronicled here. Interpserse the new lyric with appropriate images like that one of Debellum getting banged from behind by a young beaner- the one what spurred on postings of coomparison with the Quasimondo of Noter Dame. I'd do it, but that isn't my bag. But I do think it is a good idea and it gives me the same sort of sensation I felt as a child when I pulled myself up the monkeybars while grasping the cold piping with mine thighs.
_________________________ It was a wonderful community with some very enjoyable members. But the vast majority were like German housewives circa 1943 prenteding that horrib;le smell wafting through their open windowsd was just the neighbors having a cookout..--Windsock