


Da Burg's Puerto Rican cousin showed up. The simularities are uncanny. El Burglaro is a drunken whore-monger except he touts a community college education. Being longwinded in Spanish must really be a trip.

Did someone make sure ol' cripple dude still had his wallet after this?

Good point ... rule number 3 for crippled dudes visiting strip clubs (or any other scene) where drunken, drug crazed or money grubbing chicks will be climbing all over you and rolling around the place on your lap: Put Wallet in Back pocket so that you are effectively sitting on it. That and always put about a thousand bucks in your underpants near your dick, and at some point announce it. At least that way you get a erratic but still fun handjob-type experience while the whores relieve you of your money. It actualy used to always work great in the Crazy Horse Too Emperor's Room .....until all those indictments hit the fan a couple years ago
Are you gonna eat that?