baltimore craigslist > missed connections > First Crush, Diane Parrow - m4w
last modified: Fri, 15 Sep 19:14 EDT
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First Crush, Diane Parrow - m4w
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pers-207878893@craigslist.orgDate: 2006-09-15, 7:14PM EDT
Back in 1961 when I was seven years old I lived in Fort Belvoir, VA and had a huge crush on a girl in my second grade class at Cheney School. Her name was Diane Parrow. One saturday morning there was a knock at my door. There she was standing there with that pretty brownish hair and that wide grin! She told me she was looking for her brother, Rudolph. As we were talking my heart just melted! I knew I was hooked! After she left my mother just laughed and said, "that girl sure must like you to get up this early on saturday morning!".
Even after all these years I'd give anything to know what she is doing these
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