Good luck trying to copyright 'Godzillatron'.
If they can get away with that, then you'll soon be wearing Levitron jeans and Niketron sneakers whilst drinking your Coca-colatron beverage.
This reminds me a little of the story about the guy with the world's largest flag (Yes, he's an American, and yes, it's Old Glory). His raison d'etre? He read that China had the world's largest flag, and thus set out to out do them because 'China is a communist country and has no place having the world's largest flag'.
God forbid this screen going up in Asia that is bigger than Godzillatron might be situated in China...otherwise there will be hell to pay! Hell, I tells ya!
By the way, what are the odds some frat house will succeed in an attempt to display hardcore pornography on this monster screen?