MoveOn and everybody in the industry aren't a bunch of morons,for they're all smart and wise people who are keen upon how our current government is so cunning and manipulating in attempting this year's elections,and the extreme lows that they'll go in their lies about their political competition,and how we'll go down in the economic dumps and be conquered by the teroroists if Kerry wins,which is an absolute lie,for there are more terorists now than ever,and we're way closer to being in the poorhouse ala a new GReat Depression with our current political leaders,for if you wisely vote for Kerry,you'll surely see a change in both the economy,and the state of the world(Kerry is savvy upon combating foreign enemies,and controlling the federal budget),since a vote for Bush is sheerly a vote for losing our free speech,everything we endearingly love,and a major slide into both a new Great Depression,and the war to end all wars:World War III.
Bush and his buddies definiely aren't getting my vote this year,that's for sure!!!!