

You're totally full of shit. We've been putting up video since 1997, and back then the connections speeds of most people were really slow, so we made small file sizes. Who was willing to wait 2 hours for a 5 minute clip? The clips file sizes have increased every year and are have always been on the cutting edge of technology, and the majority of peoples ability to download. And that's the way it is.


Majority of people now have broadband Max,Don't blame us for the fact you have shitty quality videos.where did you ever get the idea your site uses "cutting edge of technology"? It's grainy crap.
Go to one of Brandons sites if you want quality.

Good sites offer 2 types of downloads anyway

This is a new low even for you Brandon.To attack the king of hardcore and them promote your shitty sites is in really bad taste.You sir are one dumb asshole.
all women should be victims of something, because they lied. - big moose