
Yeah but you can't prove shes alive let alone looking to work again, she hasn't worked in porn since this thread started. I stand by my source on the story and believe she is no longer with us, like elvis though she has a lot of look a likes and maybe someone wants to claim her name and make a career of her backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

What do I get if I "prove" she's alive, your Captain Caveman lunchbox with thermos in near mint condition? You made the original assertion regarding her death so it is incumbent upon you to prove it if you want credibility now (just sayin'...). I'm willing to wait to see if she returns, perhaps her sugar daddy is moving on or her plans didn't work out as she predicted, but I'm sure she's still alive at this writing.
"I'm rich. I'm a strong, trained fighter. I own a gun. And I am completely...fucking ... psychotic." Kurt Lockwood ranting yet again