I just donated 10 grand to a new, secret relief agency for suicidal Porn Whores. It is a sub-digit/claw of Bill Margold's PAW Organization, and the treatment being developed is cutting edge. If any of you remember J. Frank Parnell from Repo Man, you will know what i am getting at.

A Lobotomy....simple, direct, efficient. When a porn chick wakes up one day from the self-delusional, possibly drug induced state of dissociative morality that makes being a porn chick possible, and she realizes, from all the debauched/disgusting porn she has done, she has ruined her life in exchange for 2-3 years (tops) of making what a Surgical Nurse or Nurse Anesthetist might make in a year, or even a really HOTT, gorgeous Stripper that doesnt have to take creep dick, the urge to off herself can become overwhelming.

She needs to do what J. Frank Parnell did when he was overcome with guilt from making neutron bombs....she needs to have a lobotomy...get rid of the memories COMPLETELY! Whats more, she can film the procedure and sell it as her final film which will help defray the cost that our charity organization cannot cover because of typical PAW ineptitude or Adult Industry Apathy. Contact Bill Margold if any of you wish to follow my example and donate....Let's not have Tiffany Rayne's death be in Vain...something tells me Sasha Knox might be next. She seems a little TOO happy with being a cum soaked sponge.

Word to Gia J though: Next time, instead of offering up your hair to monkey to cry in or hang onto, give the turd a push off the ledge and I will gladly tip you 10 grand....Fuck PAW and Bill Margold.
Are you gonna eat that?