
OK, I'm a horrible human being for relating this story. I have hilarious stories about almost everyone in the biz, but it's not appropriate for me to share them. But I will share this one.

Rob came in for test polaroids with Keiko-- and in order for me to take pictures of a guy he's got to have a hard-on. So Keiko is trying to jack him off to get him hard, and he cums all over the floor. Needless to say I didn't get the shots of him with his dick hard, and my assistant was so pissed he handed him a tissue, ordering him to clean up his own cum. It was a very embarassing, very funny episode. Sorry Rob.

i have to ask, which poor bastard usually ends up with the job of cleaning up someone else's splooge? the next time i have to change a poopy dipe, i'm going to thank my lucky stars that at least i'm not the cum-wiper-upper.
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way." --Handful