The real problem with Pornstarperformance is the selective nature of the posts, i.e. producers can post but agents and performers often cannot rebut. I've never even looked at the site for that reason.

I would think that California would have insurmountable 1st amendment problems trying to prevent anyone from speaking truthfully about performance issues. The letter made public by the production company on Lindsay Lohan's current movie certainly seems no different than Pornstarperformance's schtick.

A major problem with the girls is simply the reason many get into porn in the first place - a complete lack of life skills colliding with the need to pay rent and buy drugs. Leaving the shoot means leaving the cash, and that isn't an option if you forgot to get a job at the start of the month to pay bills due at the end of the month (that "surprise" car payment that comes due the same day every month).

Even the girls who aren't that dumb may realize "there's another one off the bus every day" - if they won't do an anal then the director will just hire someone else more desperate. This has supposedly been an even worse problem in Europe once French/German/Italian girls had to compete with Czech/Hungarian girls, but I think it's a real issue in the USA too.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock