Hey guys LOL! I wanted to say that maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Well of course I thought so anyways! LOL!
Well I can't make it because I have to work split shifts and my boss won't let me trade.
I have couple of questions for our beautiful stars that I use in Vegas if you want to use them feel free!
1 Name
2 Do you like your job
3 Who is your favorite people to work with?
4 Who is your favorite company to work for?
5 Are you friends with people after the scene is shot?
6 (I really hate this question) Does your family know that you are in the "BIZ"?
7 When would you like to retire?
8 Do you have children and if so do they know?
9 Do you visit XPT and if you do do you post the forum?
10 What is the next movie that you will be in?.
Well I will be in Vegas as always but I hope everyone has fun!
AC CREAM will you be at this event? If so please take some great photos but please don't crowd the stars.