

I took 6 months but theres finally been a good post monkey era thread, which reminds me its time for my daily 30 minute "im the greatest chant" in my mirror room by myself, again

Nice job willie, you bought this sinking ship a little more time but don't get too comfortable as i just saw some dude in a chair with wheels rolling around with a drill in his hand looking closely at the bottom of the boat.

Fine post Willie, if you could actually produce such a "thing", as a gag gift/item ala "Spencer Gifts", I know people would buy them at porn shows and conventions...especially with clueless porn whores pitching them at a booth to the fanbots like Kyoto who finally works up the nerve to approach Jenna Jameson and offer to "Surgically Extract her Dignity....TRUST ME! You wont feel a thing! I am the greatest Dignity Extractor since Doctor Max Tusion...!!!!"

Only chance I would ever actually scuttle the HMS (Horribly Misdirected Satire/ship) Monkey Cage is if I know SM is sitting down on the toilet in a cabin and is just beyond the half way point to pinching the football-size turd loafs he reportedly struggles (constipation has always been a affliction for Monkey) to drop 2 or 3 times a day, so that he'd have to choose between finishing taking a shit and possibly drowning, or saving itself by running out with a huge turd hanging out of his shot out rectum. Perhaps with some spycam Technology and installing it when you are unawares .... (GDB Ponders Smelly Monkey Death/Turd Scenario....)

A rolling stone gathers no moss, just like a rolling fanboy gathers no hailey pussy.

Hey da burg, how you doing sweetie?. We are like so close, almost like non sexual soulmates (da burgs eyes light up), hailey then continues, so umm do you have any, you know, (da burg grabs a small bottle from his man purse and hands it to hailey). k so i have to like go out right now, but call me tonight, promise (da burg looking confused figuring they were going to hang out for a bit)

“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis