Kate, maybe you would like to deny these statistics the next time you try to argue there is no difference in male to male or female to female HIV risk factors when having sex.
According to government statistics gay men who have sex with other men constitute 59% of HIV transmissions. This is without drug use such as sharing needles...adding that factor it is much higher.
refer to
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pubs/facts/msm.htm.A study of more than 1 million female blood donors found no HIV-infected women whose only risk factor was sex with women. HIV infections only came into play when they included the use of drugs. IE sharing needles.
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/women/resources/factsheets/wsw.htmMaybe the talent in this industry should wake up before the next outbreak finds them on a do not work list. If, in fact, Jenna's company discriminates against using Bi-sexual or Gay men in their movies... we applaud their decision and stand with them. The health and safety of the talent far out-weighs the discrimination gays may feel by being excluded from performing in hetro movies. I would love to see a law upheld in the courts that increases one's risk to HIV. Go ahead Kate deny medical fact and go to the courts to prove your point. I think this pretty much ends your delusional argument. Now move on and stop boring people with your bullshit.