

VERY hot Holly. Maybe it's just me, but you like kinda pissed... ? Was Luke's off-camera sobbing getting to you?

Yeah, Holly was "like kinda pissed" because Luke was "sobbing" behind his camera.

An intoxicated unconscious bloody corpse makes more sense than you. Go watch some anime you fscking homo. I knew I didn't like you the first time I saw that ghey avatar popping his collar. Listen to the Nike motto and "Just Do It"

Taking a break from jacking off to fat goth chicks skidpipe?
Before your next brilliant and unforgettable bon mot, try to engage more than the 64megs of brain power that suffice for the stuttering tricks you blow in the Denny's parking lot.
Pathetic assfuck.
"We had part of a Slinky - but I straightened it."