LOL That's comedy.

I laugh because he truly assumed I'd be dumb enough to fall for the stupidity. I prefer to do sex scenes for companies where I know the content will actually make public so that I can inform fans of the recent work I did and where to look out for it. It's important especially when you keep contact with them via a website that is interactive as far as communication goes. And I rather not take my chances with a random asshole who wants to take advantage of me in a way that would make me feel uncomfortable. WHORE OR NOT.

You're a 'tard for believing that privates is the same as porn. Whatever your opinion is, so be it. But in my opinion it's completely different. I do not like the idea of being in a room alone with someone that I do not know. The chances aren't worth it to me. I'd like to keep my private, personal encounters in the comforts of my own home with someone I happen to be not only physically involved but emotionally. While in porn and fucking in a room full of crew, it eases the uncomfortable vibe between the two people like there would if you're in a room alone. The fine line makes a world a difference FOR ME. It may be different for others.

Besides... if this was legitimate work through a legit company. I still wouldn't do it because anyone that expects a chick to fuck in seven positions, which I'd assume the scene would take double the time to shoot than a regular 3-4 position shot scene. Double the time meaning... by half way through the scene, my crotch would be raw from all the friction. Who fucks that long? I don't. And certainly not into the idea of doing a shoot that could potentially be a lot of fun and go home hurting and in pain for the next few days. Fuck it. Not my cup of tea.

So get off my ass. It has nothing to do with turning my nose even though its big enough to do so without struggle.