I don't have a body for this post, just that line. I just got out of bed. I've been laying in bed for the past few hours in that wonderful state where you are still drunk and drifting in and out of sleep and the nightmare of the real is negated by the fluid shifts into the land of dreams. It is in this state that I am often given gifts from voices that are so real for the shifting, but seem firmly from the outside even though I know they come from within most certainly. Anyway, at one point in my consciousness shifting a voice stated clearly and confidently "And the meeth shall inherit the Earth." and was then silent and said no more. I found this really really funny and giggled tiredly into my pillow. The giggle wouldn't go away and I was eventually fully back into the real and I had to get up. The end is how I'm sitting in my underwear typing this now in a sort of compulsive way. If I caught a praying mantis in my yard I would run to show it to you folks. You mean that much to me. :bonanzadreams: