I agree that it is imperative that straight performers get some notice if their male partner (on screen or off) has done any gay or bisexual work (for ease of reference, I will refer to males who have performed in gay or bisexual work as "Monsters").

Given the way that talent can switch agencies and even names, it can be very hard to track the Monsters. In order to protect performers I think that a symbol should be adopted to denote a Monster. In the circumstances I suggest a rainbow flag, for obvious reasons, although I am open to any other options people can suggest.

Next problem is how you force the Monster to display the symbol. I thought identity cards would work well, but didn't Marc Wallice teach us that those could be faked? My next idea was that Monsters could wear the flag symbol as a patch on their clothes - but that obviously wouldn't work since they are regularly naked, especially whilst working.

What is needed is a symbol that would be visible and understandable to even the stupidest, most drug addled pornwhore. It would also have to be permanent, since 'Once a Monster, always a Monster.' Then the idea hit me - TATTOOS!

Monsters should be forced to get a tattoo of the rainbow flag as a warning to all who approach them that they are Monsters. Should we stipulate where the tattoo should go? Obviously the ass makes the most sense, although the inside of the forum would also work - again, I am open to any other suggestions.

I'm glad I could solve this issue for the porn industry - does anyone else have a problem they would like solved?
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