


Its wrong for these agents to send girls out to do scenes with him without letting them know first. Its not just him there are other guys doing the same thing I just wish they would show a little class and tell the girl before she does a scene with them not let her find out later its just downright disrespectful

I don't have time to research every male talent that work with girls I send. Maybe you can watch gay porn for us and compile a database of all talent. Then you can cross refrence the stagenames so we'll know who does what. That'll be your good deed of the day and now society will be a little safer.

Then maybe shouldnt be an agent if you dont have the time to take care of your performers. If something happens to one of your yours girls what are you going say sorry I didnt have time to check them out. I would hope you care about the performers and not just leaching them dry. Why not ask for a scene list before accepting any booking then the performers scene list can be given to the girl and then she can decide. If its found a performer gives a scene list without evrything they have done ban the guy from ever working with girls from your agency.

9 out of ten times, the girl gets booked way before the male talent. Should I not book her untill the male talent gets booked first? Seriously, you do have some good points. The problem is many use two stage names. I wouldn know their gay and straight porn name.
If someone didnt post it here, would you have known Max Diesel and Christian were one and the same?

Some girls do have a no list, as far as who they'll work with.