
I honestly cant tell you, the text book answer would be yes. Hey Christian, if a man with a goattee is bobbin on your knob, wont his facial hair chaffe your nuts? I could never be gay because I have this fear that when I pull a girls head down and ram my cock down her throat, shes going to get mad one of these days and beat my ass. Realistically though thats never going to happen with a bitch, with a dude he might be stronger than me I'm not the submissive type

All I know is I'm not attracted to men and could care less what Christian choses to do, so long as it doesn't affect me.

Christian wants to double his chanced of taking someone home, I'd prefer he pick a dude because it improves the odds I'll get a chick! (yes it's a miniscule improvement in odds.)
The only thing I have to look forward to is a terminal illness. Killer Rabbit