

I am not sure why any girl would fuck a guy who isn't willing to taste his own cum.

shiiiit. i'll go one better i question why girls fuck most of the characters they let inside of them as it is.

there are plenty of porn bitches i wouldn’t fuck with a ten foot pole because of the scoundrels they choose to let turn them out off-set. it's very cringe worthy.

I can understand doing it for some loot, but doing it of your own volition on your off time, ..that shit gives me the shivers...

1) Biologically, eating your own ejaculate is no different than swallowing your own saliva, or even the visually repugnant spectacle of a kid eating his own Boogers ("50 bucks says the Smails Kid Picks his NOSE! Oh yeah, another 50 says he eats it...")

I have said before that sex is all in the brain...it is the Psychological meaning and intangible aspects of a man eating HIS own cum that trip everyone up...it seems unusual, even wrong, simply because that is the convention we have all been brought up with and accepted for so long...me personally, I have never done it, nor do I have any desire to do it, but I have kissed (when drunk) a chick who just blew me and gobbled my wad so I am in agreement with the other posters who point out the double standard and hypocrisy of Guys who are unwilling to go where their girlfriends have gone.

2) With respect to what The Monstar said about seeing/witnessing just what some girls are willing to allow inside their vagina's...it does indeed make me <shudder>, but that is the part of me that Gia referred to in the general sense as "Arrogant, self-righteous pricks..."

Monstar, dude, we have seen in the statements and interviews with Porn chicks that LOOKS apparently are not that important to them...Porn chicks seem to be more about QUANTITY and not QUALITY...it is a constant, zero-sum game of getting every dick they encounter to get hard and splooge for them, regardless of what it might be attached to...it hearkens back to my points from months back, that "VALIDATION" is the inherent need in Porn chicks, more so than MONEY and sex.

Money can be made (even on a larger scale) outside of or exclusive of shooting porn; Sex can be had (even lots of it) outside of porn, plus the actual quality and type of sex had on porn sets is not always satisfying, certainly not in the way a weekend in bed fucking someone you like/love is. So what is the inherent appeal, and need that is served, by chicks doing porn? Fellating their fragile, (somewhat) narcissitic egos...their ability to cause erections and ejaculations is in their minds the highest testament and form of self worth. I have seen and experienced this first hand in chicks, both in porn and in real life....they flirt, therefore they are...and if you dont bite right away, or play hard to get, or try to ignore them, then they just RE-double their efforts until you acquiesce...and once you do, once you give in and acknowledge that they have your attention, they drop you like a unfunded NASA satellite...what's fun is dragging the process out to such an extent that you capture the girl essentially BEGGING you to go out with her, or hang out with her, or even fuck her, in which case at least you get to have some fun with the situation before she bails on you and tosses you into the recycle bin.

I find it fascinating...the difference in perspectives of my friend who is a lawyer for a firm in San Francisco...she is 32, still single but absolutely gorgeous, I mean DROP DEAD. She blows away any porn chick I have met...and in converstaions, she has made it clear she gets off on her career success. And as far as I know, she has not fucked anyone to get ahead (but even if she did, its not the same as performing in Porn.) Contrast her with your typical porn starlets who exude jealousy and rivalry with their other fellow starlets, about who is "hotter" with 6 loads on their face, or who has outdone the other by consuming bowls of splooge, or taking x number of Creampies...it's fascinating, hillarious and the part of porn that, to me, NEVER gets old.
Are you gonna eat that?