Mia, you look even MORE gorgeous, but what makes me really happy for you is your happiness from getting it done. I know it's something you wanted for a long time and put a lot of thought and research into it, so I routed for you all the way. Isn't technology wonderful? Cosmetic surgeons have to be not just a doctor but an artist. Rhinoplasty's really unique because they just enhance rather than add a foreign substance like with breasts. That's why 99% of nose jobs look natural, because it doesn't get tricky from adding a material. The friends I have that did theirs love the results. Their individuality or the look of their ethnicity was never taken away. Their 'after' pics just made them look like the better version of who they are. You looked hot before and hot now. Btw, what'd you get done to your lips? Is that restylin?
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K