
Well then, I think we agree, again.
Your wife is 'enjoying herself', not being 'degraded'.
If a man really wants to 'degrade' a woman in a porn video, he should make her clean his house, take out the trash, andpick up his smelly, three day old socks.
That would be 'degrading', I think.

but really... would it be degrading. having a woman do what most women used to do happily? having a woman act like a housewife is degrading? having a woman supported by a strong man...? to me what would be more degrading would be STRIPPING her of her femininity, telling her shes not allowed to take pleasure in being a woman... i think that that current trend of society (i.e. the feminists that hate women) are whats truly degrading. porn, even in its most vile forms is really an empowerment, giving women the chance to openly explore all aspects of their sexuality, even those they might never thought to try before... i mean let's face it from a performer angle the women get the sweeter deal where they get paid more and the like (as they should). while men get paid less, yet have a better chance of longevity.


What's 'degrading' in my book, is having to watch the ugly faces of most male porn stars when they get beat red from too much viagra.
That's 'degrading' to ME.
Hamilton Steele wrote a very good article about this, and he was correct.
The only thing he wasn't correct about was the validity of the so-called 'market research' claiming that more bi guys and gay guys are buying porn than straight guys.

first off anything hamilton steele says should be disregarded for it totally lacks validity, the man lives in his own reality. just ask him about his tenure on the TV show Forever Knight... he will go on for hours... but he was never on it. and as far as his rant about viagra, Hamilton on many, many occasions used Viagra or a needle to shoot up his dick. i can honestly say i have NEVER taken a viagra and have no intention of it, besides, better alternatives exist. as far as the companies targeting gay men... i am afraid that in many ways its true, just not the way you think.


Hell, I'd love to buy porn again.
I just don't like DICK, or SPERM, and want as little as possible of it in my porn.
It seems like a big, huge 'bait and switch' policy has taken hold of the porn industry, now selling gay porn as straight.

i hate to tell you this, but there has always been an abundance of dick and sperm in this business... external pop-shots have been a standard of this business for a long time... as has dick... i man look at john holmes or ron jeremy. to me, unless it is REALLY fucking filthy, girl/girl is not porn, its softcore. i cannot see myself in the scene because there is no dick to represent my presence. there is nothing more beautiful than a nice set of lips wrapped around a dick. the gay thing really does not lie in DP's etc. like i said i know women like DP's.. but i has to do with the type of guy that is hired.. i muscualr pretty boy who cannot get it up/ or muscular gay man who gets no real pleasure with a woman will be hired by the major (especially feature) companies more than a man who is average looking whos dick works... or companies now who are taking "pretty boy" stills instead of "pretty girl" during production, and shifing the focus from the women to the guys in order to attract a female (and gay male) clientele.


I'm assuming you're straight here, by the way, Rob.
If you happen to be bi, please don't take offense.
I'm just a straight guy, who feels more than a little beat up by all the current 'trends'.

trust me... im a straight man


Maybe if the porn makers started paying attention to people like me again, they'd reclaim their market.
Am I nuts?

not as far as this issue goes... no


Smelly Monkey...can you better explain your position? I don't know what you're trying to say with that...

kissing his knees

now let me add something as well, another thing i think that porn today is lacking is passion. i will admit, i like to do my scenes rough, but i dont do it out of hate... i cannot be that way when i don't really like the girl... it needs to have passion behind it. that is where the eroticism comes in, where you can be spitting on a girl, and slapping her, and choking... but there is a passion between the performers where they are both totally wrapped in the moment and are just feeling the heat and both loving what is occuring in the most raw animalistic of ways, sex and violence moulded into one... not sex for the sake of sex, oor violence for the sake of violence... but passion.. which is all those things and more.

i hope what i say comes out they way i mean it... i don't hate women, i love women, i worship women and the female form. i love women for all they are and all they were created as in the eyes of god and in the eyes of nature. i love intelligent powerful women... but i also love a woman who is willing to surrender to her femininity.

Mr. Longshot

Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.