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#16958 - 02/23/04 05:44 PM
'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLOWED
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 08/06/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Calipornia
Finally, there is a show for the straight man on national television.
'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' is a show I can relate to.
Comedy Central has created a very, very amusing show in which four straight men turn the tables on a gay man, and show him how to understand the world I live in.
Can porn rise to the challenge?
Can we finally see the end of gay porn, disguised as straight?
Will they address this topic on the show?
I sure hope so.
Maybe you guys can make a 'Straight Porn For the Straight For Pay Guy'.
In this reality porn show, which I would be the first to watch, none of the following things would be allowed:
There would be no gay-assed Bukkakes.
There would be no gay-assed Double Anals.
There would be no gay-assed two guys, three guys, or four guys and one girl scenes.
Yes, on the porn spin-off of 'Straight Plan for the Gay Man', only these types of scenes would be allowed:
Lesbian scenes
Two girls and one guy scenes
Twenty girls and one guy scenes- as long as we don't have to see his face
More lesbian scenes
I can't tell you how happy I was to watch four straight men show a gay man the beauty of wearing revolting looking clothing, driving a big 4 x 4, and throwing his smelly clothes on the floor.
(By the way, BMW's- not Mercedes- are also the ride of the 'Straight' man. If I could get away with it for my work, I'd have a great big lifted 4 x 4 too.)
Comedy Central is now more heterosexual than most of you porn makers.
That's pretty ironic.
Christ, I had to cancel my stupid Dish TV subscription because there was too much damn dick in all the stupid movies.
The lesbian scenes, and the threeways with two girls and a guy, have become 'token' scenes that don't last much more than a minute or two, while all the gay stuff, DP's, anal, and the like, gets all the time!
And if you think your 'market studies' are saying that straight guys like me aren't buying your porn, you're wrong. It's just that we STOPPED buying your porn when it became GAY.
I've got nothing against guys that are gay, or bi, or don't know they're bi or gay, and say they only watch gay-assed DP's because they like seeing a woman being 'degraded'.
'Degraded' is really code for, "I like looking at naked dudes", in my book.
What woman is 'degraded' by doing two dudes at once? Substitute 'spoiling' for 'degrading' and it might be more accurate.
Christ, I've had more threesomes with two girls and more- without getting paid for it or paying for it- than most guys in this universe.
I certainly don't feel 'degraded'. Why would a woman?
Anyway, I'd just like to see a little more balance in the porn world. I'd like to see a little more STRAIGHT PORN FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY, if you all don't mind.
Thank you listening, and I'm glad I got that off my chest...
...which I very proudly haven't washed since a day and a half ago, and I now refuse to SHAVE.
I'm leading a revolt.
The return of the big, hairy chest revolt.
Watch 'Straight Plan for the Gay Man' on Comedy Central.
And forget about washing those clothes for a while when you do it.
The Outsider
Edited by The Outsider (02/23/04 05:45 PM)
#16959 - 02/23/04 05:53 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLOWED
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
to a degree, for once, i agree with you.
the society has become so warped now that straight men all over america have become weak willed, limp wristed, pussy whipped fags. and a show like straight plan for a gay man is nessacary, men need to return to the dominant role in society. and i do agree with you (in some respects) that porn has become very gay.... but i dont think more lesbian scenes will help. but a woman being "degraded" is not gay. in fact if done the right way it can be very erotic because it calls to the primal need in nature to dominate... so i guess it is less "degredation" and more "domination". which in this current climate where men are so subserviant to women because the "feminists" who were trying to be men, and are totally anti-woman, that all femininity has been transferred onto men by the current mass media.
maybe im crazy, maybe im a mysoginist, maybe im wrong, maybe im right....
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#16960 - 02/23/04 06:04 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 08/06/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Calipornia
Since you work in porn, let me ask you this, Rob.
Do the women you work with truly feel 'degraded' by doing two dudes at once?
The ones I've talked to certainly don't.
Isn't the whole 'yeah, bitch, that's what you get, I wanna watch you get degraded!' really just an excuse for dudes to wack off watching others dudes fuck?
Like, when you sit around and fantasize about making a porn scene...
...do you ever say to yourself, "Hey, I can't wait to rub myself up against Steve Holmes gay old balls as I 'degrade' this woman!'????
I kinda doubt it.
Now tell me if I'm wrong...
Didn't Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, ENJOY DOING multiple dudes at once? Did she feel 'degraded'? I don't think so. She was the QUEEN, and thereby, she was the one doing the 'degrading', dontcha think?
The Outsider
Edited by The Outsider (02/23/04 06:09 PM)
#16961 - 02/23/04 06:14 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
oh no, not at all.... my other half loves working with multiple guys. thats part of what makes me enjoy a scene like that, the fact that the girl is truly enjoying herself. and some women love to be dominated, they love to feel that a man is taking control sexually and is making them feel like a "woman".
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#16963 - 02/23/04 06:31 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 08/06/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Calipornia
Well then, I think we agree, again.
Your wife is 'enjoying herself', not being 'degraded'.
If a man really wants to 'degrade' a woman in a porn video, he should make her clean his house, take out the trash, and pick up his smelly, three day old socks.
That would be 'degrading', I think.
What's 'degrading' in my book, is having to watch the ugly faces of most male porn stars when they get beat red from too much viagra.
That's 'degrading' to ME.
Hamilton Steele wrote a very good article about this, and he was correct.
The only thing he wasn't correct about was the validity of the so-called 'market research' claiming that more bi guys and gay guys are buying porn than straight guys.
Hell, I'd love to buy porn again.
I just don't like DICK, or SPERM, and want as little as possible of it in my porn.
It seems like a big, huge 'bait and switch' policy has taken hold of the porn industry, now selling gay porn as straight.
I'm assuming you're straight here, by the way, Rob.
If you happen to be bi, please don't take offense.
I'm just a straight guy, who feels more than a little beat up by all the current 'trends'.
Maybe if the porn makers started paying attention to people like me again, they'd reclaim their market.
Am I nuts?
(No pun intended)
Smelly Monkey...can you better explain your position? I don't know what you're trying to say with that...
The Outsider
Edited by The Outsider (02/23/04 06:36 PM)
#16965 - 02/23/04 06:44 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 08/06/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Calipornia
Well then Mr. Monkey, I guess that means you like dick.
That's cool, no problem here.
You've got more selection out there than I have, and I guess I'm just a little bit jealous.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, God made me straight, which right, now, is not a valuable quantity, I guess.
However, there will be a backlash, mark my words.
I'm starting the rebellion.
Straight men of porn...
The Outsider
#16966 - 02/23/04 07:02 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
Okay outsider i will do my best to explain this as quickly as i can. I have said this before, i believe each man is allowed to have sex upto 9 times a man or men through out his life BEFORE he is gay. If you have sex 10 or more times with a man or men then you become gay. Thats not 10 different men, thats a sexual act 10 times or more, so if you have sex with the same man 7 times like i did with fayner, thats counted as 7 times, you have 2 more sexual acts with men left on your heterosexual card. it makes sense and i have toured colleges around the nation with this argument and have converted many a smart minds with this argument.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis
#16967 - 02/23/04 07:28 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 08/06/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Calipornia
I'd have to disagree with you there, Mr. Monkey.
I'd say you're bisexual.
If you've had sex with a man more than once, it means you enjoyed it. Your equipment worked.
See, my equipment simply doesn't work when another man is around.
Yes, my wife and I have swung with another couple before.
The very smell of the other dude, while I was fucking his wife, made me lose my wood. I wasn't using Viagra. I don't know what would have happened if I had been, though I fear the Viagra would have betrayed me. It wouldn't have been a real hard-on, I think.
Anyways, since I lost my hard-on due to the smell of the other dude, I did not want to repeat the experience.
I think it's a chemical thing, and a behavioral thing.
For some reason, the scent of another dude didn't turn you off, so you went back again. That's cool. Maybe when you were younger, you had some experiences that were pleasureable with other dudes. That's cool too.
It simply wasn't a pleasureable experience for me, to smell another man, or see one, while having sex. If he wasn't there, I would have let loose on that girl, like I always have, with my wife, and she would have come back begging for more, like they always do- once I've had them.
But the smell of that dude got into my nostrils, and into my vision, and I lost it.
You may take offense to what I've said, but please remember this- in terms of the current porn production going on- YOU, not ME, are in the majority.
However, I'm not buying the porn you make.
Eventually, that will hurt your wallet.
I have nothing against you at all for being bisexual. My wife is bisexual. However, even SHE is getting tired of all the dick in porn.
You are in the majority, but not for long.
I refuse to buy porn until straight men are appreciated again. I will vote with my wallet- or the witholding of it.
The Outsider
Edited by The Outsider (02/23/04 07:42 PM)
#16968 - 02/23/04 09:05 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
Well then, I think we agree, again. Your wife is 'enjoying herself', not being 'degraded'. If a man really wants to 'degrade' a woman in a porn video, he should make her clean his house, take out the trash, andpick up his smelly, three day old socks. That would be 'degrading', I think.
but really... would it be degrading. having a woman do what most women used to do happily? having a woman act like a housewife is degrading? having a woman supported by a strong man...? to me what would be more degrading would be STRIPPING her of her femininity, telling her shes not allowed to take pleasure in being a woman... i think that that current trend of society (i.e. the feminists that hate women) are whats truly degrading. porn, even in its most vile forms is really an empowerment, giving women the chance to openly explore all aspects of their sexuality, even those they might never thought to try before... i mean let's face it from a performer angle the women get the sweeter deal where they get paid more and the like (as they should). while men get paid less, yet have a better chance of longevity.
What's 'degrading' in my book, is having to watch the ugly faces of most male porn stars when they get beat red from too much viagra. That's 'degrading' to ME. Hamilton Steele wrote a very good article about this, and he was correct. The only thing he wasn't correct about was the validity of the so-called 'market research' claiming that more bi guys and gay guys are buying porn than straight guys.
first off anything hamilton steele says should be disregarded for it totally lacks validity, the man lives in his own reality. just ask him about his tenure on the TV show Forever Knight... he will go on for hours... but he was never on it. and as far as his rant about viagra, Hamilton on many, many occasions used Viagra or a needle to shoot up his dick. i can honestly say i have NEVER taken a viagra and have no intention of it, besides, better alternatives exist. as far as the companies targeting gay men... i am afraid that in many ways its true, just not the way you think.
Hell, I'd love to buy porn again. I just don't like DICK, or SPERM, and want as little as possible of it in my porn. It seems like a big, huge 'bait and switch' policy has taken hold of the porn industry, now selling gay porn as straight.
i hate to tell you this, but there has always been an abundance of dick and sperm in this business... external pop-shots have been a standard of this business for a long time... as has dick... i man look at john holmes or ron jeremy. to me, unless it is REALLY fucking filthy, girl/girl is not porn, its softcore. i cannot see myself in the scene because there is no dick to represent my presence. there is nothing more beautiful than a nice set of lips wrapped around a dick. the gay thing really does not lie in DP's etc. like i said i know women like DP's.. but i has to do with the type of guy that is hired.. i muscualr pretty boy who cannot get it up/ or muscular gay man who gets no real pleasure with a woman will be hired by the major (especially feature) companies more than a man who is average looking whos dick works... or companies now who are taking "pretty boy" stills instead of "pretty girl" during production, and shifing the focus from the women to the guys in order to attract a female (and gay male) clientele.
I'm assuming you're straight here, by the way, Rob. If you happen to be bi, please don't take offense. I'm just a straight guy, who feels more than a little beat up by all the current 'trends'.
trust me... im a straight man
Maybe if the porn makers started paying attention to people like me again, they'd reclaim their market. Am I nuts?
not as far as this issue goes... no
Smelly Monkey...can you better explain your position? I don't know what you're trying to say with that...
kissing his knees
now let me add something as well, another thing i think that porn today is lacking is passion. i will admit, i like to do my scenes rough, but i dont do it out of hate... i cannot be that way when i don't really like the girl... it needs to have passion behind it. that is where the eroticism comes in, where you can be spitting on a girl, and slapping her, and choking... but there is a passion between the performers where they are both totally wrapped in the moment and are just feeling the heat and both loving what is occuring in the most raw animalistic of ways, sex and violence moulded into one... not sex for the sake of sex, oor violence for the sake of violence... but passion.. which is all those things and more.
i hope what i say comes out they way i mean it... i don't hate women, i love women, i worship women and the female form. i love women for all they are and all they were created as in the eyes of god and in the eyes of nature. i love intelligent powerful women... but i also love a woman who is willing to surrender to her femininity.
Mr. Longshot
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#16969 - 02/23/04 09:08 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
oh yeah... and by the way... FUCK METROSEXUALS. BE A FUCKING MAN!
sorry... that trend (which is what that thread started about) pisses me the fuck off.
Mr. Longshot
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#16970 - 02/23/04 09:29 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 08/06/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Calipornia
Rob, I wanted to ask you about this part of your reply:
"...as far as the companies targeting gay men... i am afraid that in many ways its true, just not the way you think."
So they really are targetting gay men with porn that they know I'll hate?
Then why not be honest, and just call it 'Gay DP Porn'?
Why dress it up as straight porn?
Please explain this.
Are they going for men who don't yet know they are bi, or gay? Is that what you mean?
Great reply, by the way.
I'm starting to like you, IN A HETERO WAY, Mr. Longshot...
The Outsider
#16971 - 02/23/04 10:22 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
this is where i made the point about the way the companies really target gay and bi males. this was where i was leading in the part you mentioned. like i said... its not the DP's that are gay..... Mr. Longshot Quote:
hate to tell you this, but there has always been an abundance of dick and sperm in this business... external pop-shots have been a standard of this business for a long time... as has dick... i man look at john holmes or ron jeremy. to me, unless it is REALLY fucking filthy, girl/girl is not porn, its softcore. i cannot see myself in the scene because there is no dick to represent my presence. there is nothing more beautiful than a nice set of lips wrapped around a dick. the gay thing really does not lie in DP's etc. like i said i know women like DP's.. but i has to do with the type of guy that is hired.. i muscualr pretty boy who cannot get it up/ or muscular gay man who gets no real pleasure with a woman will be hired by the major (especially feature) companies more than a man who is average looking whos dick works... or companies now who are taking "pretty boy" stills instead of "pretty girl" during production, and shifing the focus from the women to the guys in order to attract a female (and gay male) clientele.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#16972 - 02/23/04 10:54 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/18/03
Posts: 706
Loc: Las Vegas
---Insert yet another Smelly Monkey/Scott Fayner bashing joke(that once again,questions his sexuality) here---
#16973 - 02/23/04 10:57 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 08/06/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Calipornia
I can't say I agree with the 'DP's aren't Gay' statement.
I say they are.
Or at least, bi.
Whatever they are, they don't get me off.
In the last few movies I watched before I pulled the plug on all the stuff you guys make, I was so revolted by the time I got to the token girl-girl-guy scene that I had to turn back to CNN.
At least there aren't any closeups of men touching dicks on CNN yet.
When that happens, I guess I'll have to start watching 'Extreme Home Makeover' with my wife.
Is it wrong to think there's a conspiracy going on here?
Are there gay, or bisexual men running these porn companies?
I mean, aren't most of these guys usually ex-cons, that enjoyed prison?
And don't ya get boofed in da butt in prison?
I sure as fuck know that's why I don't do illegal shit.
Ain't no fucking way I'll ever go to prison.
What about that Dion dude?
Was he bi or gay? He was in prison.
Maybe it's a butt pirate from prison conspiracy?
I guess I just assume that if a dude don't mind going to jail more than once, he's probably diggin' the dudes...
Funny thing is, girls are dating dudes that are gay or bi at the moment. It's all the rage. That is, until they find out that the dude they're dating is sticking his dick in every dude from here to George Michael's bathroom. Then they get second thoughts.
"Hey, can I get AIDS from him?"
"How come he doesn't pay much attention to me?"
"Why does he want me to have sex with other men?"
"Why does he beat me?"
Even these girls will figure it out soon. At the moment, they still think gay or bi dudes just mean getting more dick. They'll learn.
There's still a very valuable service we strictly straight men provide.
I guess it's just a miserable phase that they, and the rest of the country, will have to grow out of.
Oddly enough, I actually support Gay Marriage.
For crying out loud, let's please let them marry.
Maybe that way, they'll stop putting so much pressure on us straight ones to try being gay, or bi.
Maybe then they'll chill out, and stop trying to sell straight dudes porn that is obviously NOT STRAIGHT.
The Outsider
Edited by The Outsider (02/23/04 11:32 PM)
#16974 - 02/24/04 06:00 AM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 257
Loc: Porn valley ca
I'm trying to understand what you people are trying to say in this thread. First off, from my point of view, yes Dp's border on gay. They aren't gay as long as each cock is in a different hole. The only way I see these as degrading is if it's a white chick and two black dicks. (it's still a social taboo in our society) As for bukkake's being in a room full of naked guys you don't know masterbating to pop off; didn't most of you guys do this a kid? I don't know if this is quite gay or just natural curiousity to compare. The action of bukkake I think is highly degrading, when the girls are covered in cum. The "Cumbong" or other devises for swallowing theses loads is less degrading I think and just plain  . As for throat fucking I think that's where the true degration is, think about it, slobber and snot all over your face and a cock in your throat trying to make you gag. As for your lesbian plan Outsider, it's unrealistic, like Rob said if there is no dick in the how can you put yourself in the plot. I do have to agree with what was said about there being more domination and that women do like to be dominated. Women throughout time have picked men based on their dominance and leadership abilities. That's why nice guys finish last. Women who pick men who are weak are just after their money and it will be a short term relationship. Even when the women is dominate in society she wants to come home and be put in her place in the bedroom. If you shave your chest(or other areas) you are already gay. The guys in porn are mostly gay because who else could hold out for as long as needed with a hot chick besides a guy who would rather be fucking another guy. Sorry if I have rambled, my head is not attached to my body right now.
#16976 - 02/24/04 08:57 AM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
no offense outsider, but i have to totally disagree with what you say. according to you then porn has ALWAYS benn targeted at gay men. but honestly i think there is an underlying issue here, something on more of a psychological level. you seem very uncomfortable at the sight of dick and dont like seeing one even if it is with a woman. to me that shows that maybe you are not completely comfortable with yourself and with your own sexuality. maybe you feel conflicted seeing a dick on screen, you are not sure weather you are masturbating to the guy or the girl... unlike most secure males who see the men as a substitute for them to live vicariously through. i would rather watch a guy fuck a girl on camera than a girl... g/g isnt porn. its softcore, its fluff (with the exception of some stuff from like Bella and Sineplex). DP's are not gay, they are both fufilling a womans pleasure... when i was 16 my best freind and i DP'ed both of our girlfriends... we werent gay, we loved fucking women. now, i will argue that DAP is kinda gay... but DP... no. Quote:
If you shave your chest(or other areas) you are already gay. The guys in porn are mostly gay because who else could hold out for as long as needed with a hot chick besides a guy who would rather be fucking another guy.
ummm, dude... once again no offense. you dont get laid much... do you, if so... obviously not more than once by the same chick. ive always held out for as long as needed with girls most of the time, and most guys i knew could to....
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#16977 - 02/24/04 09:00 AM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 257
Loc: Porn valley ca
If you shave your chest(or other areas) you are already gay. The guys in porn are mostly gay because who else could hold out for as long as needed with a hot chick besides a guy who would rather be fucking another guy.
ummm, dude... once again no offense. you dont get laid much... do you, if so... obviously not more than once by the same chick. ive always held out for as long as needed with girls most of the time, and most guys i knew could to....
Actually I said this and I am a chick.
#16978 - 02/24/04 09:02 AM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
however i must agree thatthe trend of girls dating gay and bi men is disturbing... especially the way kids are being trained on it. i was in the store yesterday with Kei and we were looking at Barbies (she collects them). and they have some of these new "hip" dolls for girls and all the "dream guys" look SUPER GAY, like LIBERACHE GAY. this one was wearing this fur coat and looked like a culture club era Boy George... we were both so fucking disgusted.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#16979 - 02/24/04 09:39 AM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
well, i apoligize then, but i must say that i still disagree. especially with the shaving part... i shave mylower extremities because it is way fucking more sanitary, and feels better on both ends.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#16980 - 02/24/04 11:42 AM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 08/06/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Calipornia
I haven't shaved my chest in two weeks, and I plan on keeping it that way. I am also going to stop fussing with my hair, and using hair product.
It's time for a straight guy rebellion, I think.
I don't have a problem with seeing one dick on screen, as long as I don't have to look at a face. This doesn't make me some in the closet guy, it makes me straight, I say. The reason guys get their faces in porns anyway is so they can achieve some degree of recognition, so they can get more work. It's about fame, or the hope of fame, I think.
There's absolutely no other reason to constantly show a dude's face in a porn than that...and the gay/bi audience reason.
It's funny how so many people on this board spend so much time knocking down the guys, referring to the guys in porn, and starting fights. I could care less.
Porn should be about the girls. Period.
At least, straight porn should be.
I guess the reason I like 'lesbian' scenes, which aren't really shot with real Lesbians, is that I know that A) These chicks aren't really gay, and B) I can IMAGINE myself with them, even when a dick isn't seen.
As for Bukkakes and Throat Gagging being 'degrading'...
...I have to disagree, again.
If twenty porn chicks said to me, "Hey Outsider, we hate you SOOOOO MUCH that we want you and your wife to come in and shoot a scene with us. We're going to 'degrade' you. We're going to think of all the nastiest things we can do to you, and we're going to do them to you on VIDEO."...
Well, if that ever happened, and all of them could pass full-panel tests...
I'd be there, with my wife, in a heartbeat.
And no, I certainly wouldn't feel 'degraded.'
Why would a girl feel 'degraded'?
If a girl likes sperm, why not do a Bukkake, or a Throat Gag?
I think you're all fooling yourselves with the whole notion of what is 'degrading' to a woman.
I think the chicks are digging all this, and have you guys by the balls. You've got it all ass-backwards.
If you truly want to 'degrade' a woman... ...make her cook a four-course meal for you and your buddies while watching football and drinking Budweiser. Make her clean up afterwards, and take out the trash. Then, go out whoring with your buddies, and throw it in your woman's face.
That's 'degrading'.
Chicks that are in porn love sperm. Giving them what they love, while trying to say they don't like it...
...you guys are only fooling yourselves.
Can I get 'Bukkake'd' by a group of twenty chicks?
Where do I go to sign up?
The Outsider
#16981 - 10/10/05 01:38 AM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/17/04
Posts: 6005
Loc: travieso capital management an...
bump for everyone's usrda of "the outsider"
"She has no waist, no arse...an interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"
Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits
#16982 - 11/24/06 02:40 PM
Re: 'Straight Plan For The Gay Man' - NO DP's ALLO
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/17/04
Posts: 6005
Loc: travieso capital management an...
like that "b2k" song-bump bump bump.
"god, those boys were so young, black and beautiful-I'd love to see them all rubbing their penises together in the absence of women"-sexdj.
"She has no waist, no arse...an interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"
Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits
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