#169520 - 06/03/0601:40 AMRe: These pics make me feel so good about myself.
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 02/09/06
Posts: 66
Hi Leah,
Quote: Hi. haha. I have been away for a couple days working. I come back and there are like 3 new posters here. LOL. I think its funny that Im being accused of being these other posters.
I don't think it's funny at all. In fact, it's pathetic that you're insecure enough to create an alias named "peepee" or "BIRDSHIT" to defend your honor against a harmless and innocent internet posting. I mean, your incoherent angry ramblings under "Leah Luv" should be enough of a defense, shouldn't it? You have the mentality of a developmentally disabled 5th grader. I guess all those years of kids calling you ugly in school have severely damaged your self-esteem.
Quote: Then...its pretty obvious that peepee is a black guy. And all the posts I have read from him have many spelling errors (no offense).
OK, so you're saying that if a person can't spell or communicate above a 3rd grade level, they must be black? Wow, you sound racist and bitter towards the black man. Is it because those black guys that used to run a train on you back in Bumfukville had difficulty spelling? Or are you bitter that they stiffed you for your meth money afterwards? I bet you've swallowed enough African-American semen to contract sickle cell anemia.
Quote: And its highly obvious that BIRDSHIT is extremely intelligent. So how could I be either of those two? I had to look up the word echelon when I read this post. LOL. Im smart but not that smart.
BIRDSHIT is a fucking moron, just like you. That's no coincidence.
Quote: James: if your soo concerned with my kid(s?) why dont you do something about it. Dont worry about my son. And what? You people...you whore-shipping crew of nothings want to crucify me for having a few drinks.
...And every parent goes out sometimes and has a drink or does whatever else they want to do. Its called taking a break after a long week, you fat nasty hater
Well somebody should worry about your kids. I'm considering a phone call to Child Protective Services to have the state come and rescue those unfortunate spawns of your irresponsible behavior. I bet at least three of those little brats were conceived while you were drunk at some crackhouse.
I firmly believe in forced sterilization of stupid cunts like you Leah. It would save the taxpayers the costs of having to place your future kids in foster care or rehab.
Quote: This is the first time that 3NB or anyone else has gotten their brautwurst fingers on bad pictures of me. And that should say something to anyone with half a fucking brain.
Yeah, it says you're either delusional or a fucking liar. My guess is both.
Quote: 3SB: I may look fucked up in those pictures, but even drunk out of my mind, I look better than you do completely sober...
... Yea child. Not children. CHILD. If I had 3 or 10 kids, Id like myself even more cause I STILL look better than 3NB, who has no life no job and no kids. OR husband. Id ask why but I wouldnt marry the fat bitch. So I dont need to.
You need to get over yourself, Leah. You're not pretty enough to be so conceited. You have a decent body, but your face has more crow's feet and laugh lines than a 40 year old woman. Smoking meth and 2 packs of Newports per day has taken a tremendous toll on your face.
And those yellow, crooked, nasty teeth are disgusting I think the US Government should abduct you and use the bacteria that has accumulated in your grill to create the next-generation biological weapons program. I bet your orthodontist will need to wear a Hazardous Materials Suit when he finally removes your braces.
Quote: But you wouldnt know anything about that because you dont work. You sit on your fat ass all day with 3NB and criticize us whores. So "taking a break" is not in your very small vocabulary.
Hey Leah, this is XPT. The people here don't "whore-ship" skanks like you. Maybe you should go back to ADT, where socially inept, desperate 45 year old virgins feed your little ego by telling you how fantastic you are. I'm sure there's nothing more gratifying than AC Cream telling you how much he masturbated to your performance in Cum Guzzling Piss Dumpsters #6.
Quote: Okay now go find something else to come back with, and Ill see you when I have time to come back on here. See unlike you guys I dont have time to be on here all day every fucking day. I work and take care of my child.
You don't "work". You take cocks up the ass and suck the shit residue off of them for 3 hours a day. Then you spend the rest of your time watching Judge Judy and Jerry Springer in between meth binges. Basically, you're still the same white trash trailer skank you were before you started rimming Ryan Knox on camera for cash.
I just hope you're saving your porn money, because it would be a fucking tragedy if you had to go back to giving $15 blow jobs to weary truckers at that old Stop'N Go off Interstate-10.
Quote: Its 7:44pm california time. Lets see how long it takes the cows to come back home.
Probably the same amount of time it takes you to get to your dealer's apartment.