That's a good choice of a word james I didn't know that you liked overweight mimlf. I was in vegas and thought that she was good for a few laughs however she isn't anything to write home about! I'm a member of both boards so I don't want to cause to much trouble, so this is why I'm using an anonymous name. One of the girls dared me to spit a loogy in her drink but I chickened but this other guy we were with did, and we howled! 3S was so lit, one of the other girls laughed and called her a true swallower! Not a clue I tell you! If she had real friends why didn't anyone tell her not to drink it?

3S loves attention though and thinks she is better than everybody else like in junior high when I was there.
Maybe if she lost tons of weight she could be sort of pretty. Not porn star pretty maybe just aged mall trash.