Holy shit, I love it when our hachet fights spill over into adt. Too bad the he-bitch-monster locked the thread.
leah luv
Posted - May 30 2006 : 03:52:48 AM So I guess I've found a traitor amongst us ADT'ers.
ThreeSomeBody...a supposed Leah Luv fan...has been over at xxxporntalk.com talking some serious shit about me.
Click here and find out what happened.
leah luv
Posted - May 31 2006 : 01:17:53 AM Hey PP. Im straight. SHE is not bothering me a bit. Why does everyone think shes a dude anyway. LOL. I find it funny that since my post last night, on both sites shes been called a he and that whatever it is hasnt responded yet. LOL.
You know what? Im the shit. I dont give a fuck if she wants to talk shit...she admitted the minute she wrote the headline that retarted photos of beautiful girls make her feel better about herself. I know Im good. In fact even if I didnt know it, my fans tell me everyday. And true fans dont talk shit like that.
She doesnt like herself and if she needs fucked up pics of me to make her feel better then soo be it. Im not gonna stop getting drunk at parties just to eliminate this from happening again. I actually laughed my ass off when I saw the pictures of me drunk. I look soo funny. I was literally laughing out loud and I wanna put the one where I look like Im grinding my teeth (or making a face I make quite often, which is usually accompanied by a very strange sound) on myspace. That shit is funny. I think its quite humorous. And if you know me, you would think the exact same thing. LOL.
So bless the poor thing. Im glad my fun made her feel better. Cause trust me...the pictures dont lie. I was having soo much fun and I was soo drunk. Thanks Hillary and all the other friends I was with that night who helped me to have soo much fun. Even the little funny looking asian girl.
Posted - May 31 2006 : 11:15:15 AM I pointed out that you looked fucked up. You admitted you were fucked up. Guess that means I was right, eh? Now get over it.
No wait, this is too funny. Go on some more.
The Filthiest Skank in the world
Posted - May 31 2006 : 01:42:26 PM Leah, please don't bring the crap from xpt over here. That site exists so people can be assholes to each other. We don't need that at adt.
leah luv
Posted - May 31 2006 : 04:10:51 PM
<quote> threesomebody wrote: I pointed out that you looked fucked up. You admitted you were fucked up. Guess that means I was right, eh? Now get over it.
No wait, this is too funny. Go on some more. </quote>
It never hurt me. You just happened to make me laugh. Now it WAS fucked up that you tried to hurt me by putting that dumb shit up. You want me to drop it? Pay me bitch. You owe me an apology. So dont tell me to get over it. Want people to like you? Talk shit about someone they dont like. And how bout this? You dont want shit like this in the future keep that shit out of your mouth.
The Bitch who's cunt smells like a seafood dumpster
Posted - May 31 2006 : 04:13:48 PM please take it to email. sorry that i have to close your thread but this isn't going to be a public forum for personal arguments.
If cum was concrete, Quasarman would have a four lane freeway going down his throat. - pariah