The cage is alive!!!


I was drunk that night you fat ass crack head, and because you managed to get your greasy little stumps of fingers on some shitty pictures that were taken while I was drunk...



I remember you from AVN. Your a fat slob and so yea.



Yea even in these pics Im hotter than you.
Are you a tweaker..oh never mind your too fat to do meth.



And If I smoked or snorted meth, Id be much less than the 135 lbs than I am. My perfect 36 24 36 figure (which is solid muscle by the way)


Your nothing .

leah = = 3SB

This is where I shot a load of jizz. Excellent use of smilies! Well done Leah.
" Bitch, not even a dumptruck full of Gucci bags would get me to do you. "- Gia Jordan response to pornactorforhire