Yeah, this is like the third time now he's left Luke Ford? His ramble is pretty interesting as he's trying to defend himself against a bad reputation he's developed......or at least that's how it reads.
Whatever, he posts on ADT all the time anyway.....

Wanker Wang Posts: I woke up this morning and two things occured. I had a bowel movement. I also had an epiphany.
Most of you have known me from when I started in the industry over 30 months ago. I started at Extreme Associates as their first real webmaster and did something a little different. Back then, there was a site called which is now empty. Gene Ross himself was one of my original mentors who always gave me the time to learn about the industry. It was a bizarre company to work for with multiple people from whom you could learn, seemingly through osmosis, different perspectives on the industry. There was Tom Byron, Rob Black, Gene Ross, Thomas Zupko. It was all part of the game to participate in the "Fuck You" attitude prevalent at the time.
The websites there was designed to have a "Fuck You!" mentality and I believe I played the part well. It was the first time I wrote to an audience rather than a teacher. I fucked with people in this adult industry viciously without having a clue or a care in the world who they were. Why did I give a fuck? They were nameless, faceless blobs that contributed to the "Fuck You" feel of the company. And besides, I thought my presence in the adult industry was a temporary respite before going back to the real world.
Since that period, I left to work for another company where I really toned my language down. After all, the environment changed. I wasn't at Extreme anymore. Everyone from talent to employees were paid, on time, and properly. It was now a business and a family. And I was still determined to meet and get to know as many people in the industry as possible just to have a general clue what the industry was about. Meanwhile, I hooked up with some of the biggest webmasters and continue to do so. You can always learn from the best and gain an insight on their thought processes.
Yet the false notion of power does overtake you especially when you can manipulate it to get what you want. Over time, I repeatedly came back to this site, air the grievances of my friends in the industry and take the brunt of the blame. Frankly, I can't do that anymore and I won't.
When I was just a webguy, I didn't give a fuck about creating enemies. Who cares? As long as the webmastering community respects you, who gives a fuck about the video porn industry? However, since I started directing, you can't make enemies. After all, I have to work with alot of the people. I may attack someone who's close to someone I'm really cool with and, again, I'm fucked. This is a very small and incestuous industry. Sure, some people I can dislike openly but it's more of a calculated maneuver.
By my very nature, I'm a mischievous motherfucker. I always enjoyed fucking with people who fuck with me. It's always been a part of a game. You say something, I say something harder, you react, I react harder, you think you're clever, I think I'm cleverer, when you give up, I try to jam a nail on your head with a fat grin. A year ago when I ran this site, nothing gave me a sense of smug self-satisfaction than when a person would cry 'Uncle' and I would just jam it down their throat relentlessly just to let them know I could.
But realistically, who gives a flying fuck? I think all porno gossip columnists are nothing but a bunch of losers including myself. There's no point in any of this. The general public who buys porn could give a flying fuck and don't read this shit. The only people who care are people in this industry. They want to jack off to their own press releases or hope something they did don't pop up on a gossip site. Trust me, I know a shitload of rumors, truths, and gossip but, to protect my friends, I refuse to put the shit up. And the funniest thing about all this shit is that since I started, I never gave a shit. It was all a game. Like a nerd playing Dungeons and Dragons in his own private FantasyLand, that's all this was.
Those in the business have to get back to basics. I personally think there's too much product out there. There's too much garbage out there. The market cannot possibly bear it all. Something's gotta give. Companies will die. Ashcroft can rear his ugly head on the entire industry and annihilate companies one after the other like the Meese Commission did in the late 80's. And it's coming and they will attack. Just when you think you're safe and smug, the anvil of the Federal Government is going to slam itself on us pitiful porno ants and squish us like bugs. And they're going to go after Internet sites with a vengeance. One after the other, squish squish squish. So why the infighting?
Here's a prediction: Every major Credit Card Processor from CCBILL to IBILL to JETTIS to PAYCOM will put so many restrictions on adult websites that it'll be virtually impossible to start one including those sites that currently process. . In addition, they will drop like flies from the industry one after the other after the other. Initially, it was the ones that didn't follow Visa regulations. Now it'll be those that try to adhere to ever stricter rules and regulations creating casualties along the wake. I don't give a fuck what all these 'in-the-know' webmasters say with their scam artist cross sales and their "Join one site, get 100 sites free!" bullshit. You gotta follow your gut with everything and not look at some webmasters as deities.
Frankly, who gives a fuck about all of this? The industry is a business. Bar none. Pure and simple. Sure, it's like NeverNeverLand with all the whores who'll suck your dick or take a squirt of jizz up their ass. But it is a business. I hear alot of male talent complaining about not getting enough money for scenes. So tell me this Einstein, what other fucking job are you qualified for? That includes most of the female talent. I tell male talent all the time: If you weren't in this business, you'd be chasing whores all day, spending all your money and working at a local auto shop. Now, you're fucking walking on sets, the whore is there for you to fuck as you please, and you're complaining? Just because you don't know how to save the $120,000 a year you make for fucking whores? You can eat my shit.
It's just funny how this business works. Over the past two weeks, I've also heard from alot of directors how horrible Johnni Darkko is. How he can't shoot camera. How he can't do this, he's pathetic at that, etc etc. I guess everytime Evil Angel announces a new director, there's nothing but an onrush of extreme jealousy. And I'll bet you this, none of these motherfuckers have ever seen a Johnni Darkko movie. They'd rather bad mouth him, sight unseen, and congratulate themselves at how good they are. It kind of reminds me of those old time fighter pilots who scoff the present jet pilots by always talking about their past glories. Curious, I watched a copy of Anal Perversions by Johnny Darkko yesterday and, in my opinion, this motherfucker is one of the best directors I've seen and I'm basing that on one video. The guy knows how to manipulate and exploit light better than 99% of the industry. His camera angles, though a bit artsy at times, hit an edge designed to convey an imprinting erotic message to your brain. That shit ain't luck. It's intentional. He's technically gifted and that's already half the battle. So let him be and let him do his thing. Instead of crying for his success and hoping he fails, wish him well. He's still a goofy looking motherfucker but in my mind he's better than 99% of the industry and now I know why Evil signed him.
Just remember, this is a business. That's all it is. And I'm dropping out of the gossip game cause the gossip game doesn't contribute to my business.
If I spend a small yet sizeable chunk of my time on this gossip game, do you really think it contributes to any dollars in my pocket? I think my close friend Brian Surewood said it best a couple of days ago to me. He said that the people in this industry either love you to death or hate you to death. He also said the same was true with directors, talent, and producers. They either love you or hate you. And you know why? This gossip game. The fact I play a role where I don't take anything seriously. The way I fuck with people I manufacture illusionary problems with. Here's the skinny about the game of shit talking: In general, the more someone talks shit about people behind their back, the more they are jealous of the person. To paraphrase, the more someone repeatedly talks shit about people, the more they feel insecure about their own selves.
But I do take the industry seriously. I really care about my movies that come out to the market. I really care about any website that I will put my signature stamp on. Some people have even gone to say that I'm a quitter. That I quit Extreme. That I quit MeatHoles, FrankWank, MidnightProwl, etc. Again, I beg to differ. I sincerely apologize to Mike John and Erik Everhard and Chet for being a bastard. But how could I continue, when the same people you're working with now continually begged me to stop working for you? Blocked access to my own minion from running your sites? Blocked access from my own minion video editor from working for you? Constantly came by the house I was renting with my own money to monitor what websites were being worked on? Meanwhile getting dirty looks at the office even from a seven foot jumper questioning my loyalty to the company you deserted? Yes, I was a bastard and thing's will never be the same. And I did quit Meatholes, FrankWank, MidnightProwl though I did have a huge, sizeable percentage of the company. Why? It wasn't a monetary issue. Shit, I gave up my entire interest in it. It's just that it never really was my company and I simply lost interest over time. You get held like a puppet having to answer to a 'superior' to someone with exaggerated promises and an uncanny ability to hype things up and overwork everyone when it's based on a mirage. And I was extremely leery of the legal ramifications of the video I was shooting.
I quit Extreme for one reason only. Bounced checks to talent when I was booking the talent. I'd still be there today if the check bouncing never occurred. I may be unpredictable to female talent. They either love me or hate me. But one thing I'll never do is bounce a check on them especially if they need to pay rent or buy crack or whatever the reason is. Think about this though, I'm directing movies and I will not quit. Why? Like the suffrage movement, I'm empowered. I call the shots. It's my money on the line. I'm independent. What shocks me to this very day is that everytime I shoot, everytime I edit, I think I'm getting better and better and better and better with each passing day. This is in an industry where I think most of the product is getting worse. I learned more about film in this gonzo realm than I ever did at UCLA. Ultimately, I just want to be known as a good director and a good webmaster. That's it. I don't want to be known as Wanker Wang (a manufactured name incidentally) who supposedly chokes girls out until they cry (never did it), who supposedly pisses on girls (never did it), who runs Lukeford (???). The future is going to be odd because I refuse to be underestimated by those who forget the panache.
My longetivity in this based wholly on two factors: (1) Am I getting better at the craft of web mastering and directing? and (2) Do I call the shots in how I craft my vision? If the answer is yes, I'll be here for a long, long time. I simply ain't got the time to direct my energies that simply do not help my ultimate goals. I ain't got time for the bullshit, the backstabbing, the shittalking, the games of brinksmanship. And anybody who knows me personally knows I don't give a fuck. I'll just use it as ammo to fuel my own personal drive.
I have removed all direct negative posts from Lukeford below this story especially the crap I wrote about a RLD director. And I will see you later. Now leave me alone and let me do my thing. I ain't got time for this bullshit. If it ain't making me money, it ain't worth chasing. Play your games, brudda, I'm doing my own thing.
If you want to email me: