
Guys, many apologies, I wrote the wrong date on the message, the chat is scheduled for Feb 25th, I had mistakely put the 18th.

Way to go dummy! 7:00 L.A. time is 10:00 Columbus time. By the time I was finished fucking around trying to figure out what the hell was wrong all my porno rentals were late! Dude thats like $20 in late fees. Anyways, No disrespect to Ms.Padova but we can chat with her any time we want. I mean she posts here about fifty times a week. Dont get me wrong, half the time Im in here its to see what Gen is doing what movies shes shot recently and her views and opinions. But if I have a question for her I just post it and she always answers back the next time she is on.(Not even the Moderators here do that!) I wanna chat with Julie Knight about that little "Milkshake" deal. So C'mon wigga thrrow a dog a bone.
The guys at the local porno shop never charge me late fees. I rent so much porn that the owner sends me thank you cards for paying his kids tuition at O.S.U.!
But youre still a DUMMY, Malice.