This is all too funny! U are all entertaining me! This is funny shit... I mean honestly. Wow, some of you think I do drugs. Ladies and Gentlemen I do not NEED drugs. They pollute the body, the mind, and the soul. But what does it matter if I did or didn't. I don't owe anybody an explanation. There is only one person in life you have to prove anything too, and that is yourself. We are supposed to be talking about pornography on this site, fuck talking about whore's money and their SUVS. What you all are really trying to say is "what is this bitch doing with her money that keeps her from giving it to me??!!"

As far as what I drive, all I will say is this: all cars are the same no matter how you look at it, they are all a hunk of metal on wheels that guzzle gas, and have no appreciative value, unless for some reason some motherfucker 25 years from now calls what you drive today a classic and wants to pay some real money for it.

By the way, sadly I did not make the suggested $500,000 last year. That is a bit much, you think? Let's be realistic Ladies and Gents!

Good day!