I agree totally that she's a smart, nice girl, Gen...you're pretty cool yourself, and I'm glad you're feeling better. I've never gotten the sense that Kelly does meth, ever. We've spoken a few times and I've always gotten the sense she's a smart, artistic girl with a good head for business and a sense of her self-worth in this industry. I see her ability to be sexually extreme as sort of equal to a stuntman or stuntwoman...she knows that is worth more money and, as she enjoys her job, is willing to go further than most. It's sad how some people equate a slim body and extreme behavior with meth use. As far as I can see, it's bullshit rumors like when they said she was dating Skeeter (although I do think she has a boyfriend, sadly). But as for me, I'd marry her in a second, man. (And Gen, I always also kind of crushed on you...not as much as Kel, but you're a brave, funny gal.) Odd in a business like this that one can have secret admirers, no?

And as far as:
Kelly is good, but you might want to make sure she fucks the same way privately that she does in porn. The irony would be hilarious if she was privately a lights-out, missionary only, and under three blankets type of girl.

I wouldn't be surprised if she's a lot quieter and a hell of a lot more romantic. That's the impression I've gotten when we just shot the shit on the occasions we did...which I find oddly even more attractive. She's a nice girl who does extreme sex for a living. Hell, I'd marry her. Seriously.