elaborator, TheFoot isn't a filmmaker, but it pretty much does what it wants. Yesterday it returned and had me and my girlfriend eat the cat litter and drink god sauce (for the second time). I don't even think it had an invitation to the Oscars but it still went.
I don't really know why I drink so much Coke. Before I was only drinking Pepsi then the taste became too much for me (it's sweeter than Coke) and I decided to move to something more mild but high in sugar content. Probably because I need the power to stay up late. I spend most of my afternoons drinking water and talking to mini-beast so overral I think my mommy would be happy about how I'm taking care of my figure. :wink
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.