Don't put yourself down SmutMutant. You're just as important as I am. You're not just some anonymous sage on the internet. You're THE anonymous sage on the internet.
I agree, It is a shameful indictment of American capitalism that someone as pathetic as I with only a handful of sub-par porn videos under his belt could have avoided homelessness all of these years. In any other country I would have starved to death.
Striking a nerve is something that my endodontist did 4 months ago during a rather uncomfortable root canal procedure but I haven't experienced any similar senasations during our enjoyable and constructive exchange.
As far as fighting goes, I'll admit that I'm not much of a brawler, as a matter of fact I'd probably just call the cops if you showed up at my door but I have "private messaged" you my address twice now with no response whatsoever from you.
Lastly SmutMutant, if that is your real name, perhaps you should exercise the simple option that has been championed by Libertarians for decades in this counrty - don't buy my movies. You don't like inferior porn and I don't like semi-literate anonymous cretins who still live with their parents. Is it a deal?

Eagerly awaiting your supremely articulate response.
Your pal,