
Is this the new PXP Poopie line? How many load of shit can you gobble down Brandon? My guess is a lot, you look like shit eating little bastard to me.

"A good source of E-coli", by Brandon "A Bad Source of Porn" Iron

Have2cit, dont ya think its great that Brandon is from Canada? Can you imagine if he was a US citizen and got drafted? What would happen to him, in the army, away from young, desperate, naive, cash strapped dumb American bimbos aged 18-22, unable to satisfy his addiction to jerking off and seeing his semen on the faces of chicks, intermingled with the loads of other creeps and felons. Would he go AWOL or dodge the draft completely?

What does Brandon spend his days thinking about? More importantly, when he meets a young woman for the first time, how long into meeting her do you think it takes for him to imagine her with about 12 loads of cum on her face? I am guessing 73 seconds, TOPS.
Are you gonna eat that?