Actually, there's quite a difference between an unintentional typo and a complete and total disregard for spelling, sentence structure or any other sign of an an I.Q above 68.
I'm still eagerly awaiting my ass kicking or perhaps because of your status as a "registered sex offender" you are only able to travel as far as your electronic ankle bracelet will allow you. Perhaps that's why my ass still remains unkicked.
A "shit milkshake" does indeed sound tasty but I think I'll just enjoy a Diet Coke during our luncheon. Hopefully you can school me in all of the ways of making quality pornography. As a hack, I'd very much appreciate your sage advice. After all, I've only been earning a living at this for 14 years. You on other hand are in the unique position of offering your opinion from behind an anonymous moniker on an internet message board. If only we'd met years ago. My career could be soaring by now.
Anyway, I'm enjoying this friendly exchange immensely and I do hope that a mutually beneficial luncheon followed by a sound ass kicking is in the not-to-distant future.

Best wishes and may all of your dreams come true.