
Like geeky little schoolboys goofing around with Photoshop, you cheeky little pranksters sure do get people's dander up!

What next? Fart cushions on seats? Too low tech, I know, but you have to get your cyber jabs in. Have fun, mini-Gates'. Everyone is invited to Coochie's for the Battlestar Gallatica marathon.

I have just as much fun with this as you....only I make a living with movies. I checked out some of the resumes on Monster.com from guys on this board. Apparantly "internet jackass" doesn't prepare you for much other than being El Presidente of a chat board.

Now, having said that, I present you with another gift.
You can thank me later.

Now, granted Ryan was on a date with Amy Ried that night and missed this shoot, but for all the grief you give him, at least he gets to have contact with the whores. Coochie is still reveling in the realistic "flesh" of his Janine doll and pondering which 80s star to have as his next avatar. Tootie or Blair? Arnold or Mr. Drummond? Decision...decisions.....

Fuck you Brandon! Its a SG1 Marathon, and you promised that you would dress up as Teal'c so fuck you
Honest question though Brandon, has another man's bodily fluids ever touched you before?

Whats wrong with banging a Janine doll, its the one from the early 90's By the way, Brandon's got more genital warts than he does hair follicles.
jrv im going to fucking kill you and 3 of your family members-SM