
Not even remotely close...like she freely admits, chronic meth use fucks you up totally, but that still does not remove the inherent qualities of the person doing the crank. It's self inflicted retardation, but a genius who has a stroke or gets hit on the head and all of a sudden loses their ability can still be referred to as a genius ... it's a matter of perspective.

And before you fucking start banging your keyboard with your pecker typing another angry reply, I am not saying Meadow is a genius...I merely said she is intelligent, which, after reading her well written replies and the manner and language she used, she clearly is...

Actually all I am pointing out to you, Da Burglar, is that you say how every girl you interview is different or smarter than the others. It's as though you think their ability to turn on a computer and hold a conversation puts them leaps and bounds ahead of the normal porn talent population. But you must realize that these people do lead a semi normal life and have personal interactions outside the porn scene.

I mean, they are not put away in a closet after their scenes to recharge. They participate in society just like you and me, only to a lesser extent of course. I think you need to meet more women who are not whores so you have a broader comparision base of what people are really like.
Even though Brian Pumper sometimes tries to act like he is hardcore thug-rapper, I can tell that underneath he is a considerate, respectful guy. -tritone