
Something tells me that Eva Angelina with her big cans sticking out was the highlight of Mr. Easter Bunny's day, and when he saw her at the end of the line of screaming kids,

Actually Eva was the one making the kids cry, with her re-shoots before approving the pic you see above. Mothers with unhappy kids while eva tries to jut out her rack even more.....comedy.


didn't think twice when he told her about their creamy center.

eva has a creamy center.

...and she bought me a hot dog on a stick afterward.

you gotta love a ho' that rolls like that.


still, those are some nice cans, monstar you're a lucky man. i'm comin' to la to party with you soon bro.

hey it's friday night & i'm about to watch both Mission Impossibles. don't give me too much credit. Eva is feature dancing, Taryn is in Arizona, Stormy is @ her pad I have not talked to Benz since wed., I was going to go to a party with a certain girl...but did not.

meh. 2morrow night it's on though...


he knew that there was justice in that mall.

HA! this is the 2nd porn chick i brought to the bunny. fucker should start sliding me some scratch.
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