how bout some self help porn videos:

Bitch them teeth is disgraceful - take your paycheck and see a dentist. vol 1.

Ho your skin looks like pizza- God damm is that cheese sprewing from your grill - please run to the dermatologist but first rim my anus. vol 1.

God damm your body is in shambles - stop eating and start working out. vol 1.

What the fuck is that smell - bitch you heard the word douche? vol 1.

You ass is tainty - i heard there is a lazer treatment that can help. vol 1.

Your titties are disaterous - please get them evaluated by specialists. vol 1.

holy shit i dont know if there is more cheese in my pizza or in your thighs. please stop wearing revealing shit. vol 1.

Your body is tight but your voice is garbage. bitch please dont speak. vol 1.

Is that really your hair or did Pepsi shoot another commercial. God damm go wash and condition then suck my cock but dont look me in the eye. vol 1.

Who ran over your feet with a semi? Those dogs are barkin lock them shits up, your pussy needs work too, lets not even mention your grill. vol 1.

You left the house looking like this? God damm drugs! vol 1.