This Donkey Punch Juggernaut/Phenomenon debate-discussion is sweeping the Porn Boards like Carl The Janitor in The Breakfast Club. It's absurd,
all of it: the entire issue, the entire practice and the entire STINKETH, such that none may abide its odor....but I am hell bent on doing my own research and approaching the Donkey Punch issue
scientifically...I have two bright ideas:
1) I am going to be driven into San Francisco this Week and visit some sex shop to look for a CLUB JENNA Blow Up Doll...I am going to inflate the doll, bend it over a table in a Hotel I will crash at in the city, and in the privacy of my hotel room I am going to wheel back and forth ramming my penis into the doll's ass....back and forth...back.....and forth.... Since I cannot reach the back of the doll's head in this position or in this manner, I will need to borrow a Janitor's MOP to reach the back of the Doll's head and be able to give it a good WHACK as I reach the point of climax. I imagine, as I take that final thrust approach wheeling back and forth ramming my penis into the Jenna Doll's ass, that the MOP will resemble a LANCE in a Joust as I attempt to recreate the Donkey Punch Phenomenon in a version for disabled, wheelchair
bound gentlemen. I do not know how my orgasm will be enhanced by whacking the Club Jenna Doll on the head with a mop Donkey Punch Style, but I will be SURE to let the world know;
2) The other, more self sacrificing methodology I intend to employ is to sit about four feet from a concrete wall in the cellar of the house I am currently renting, with a fully inflated basketball and a porno mag. I am going to whack off furiously with my right hand to the porno mag, but as I approach
climax, I am going to pick up the Basketball in my left hand and fling it behind me at the concrete wall four feet away...with any luck the basketball will bounce off the wall and hit me in the back of the head
JUST LIKE a DONKEY PUNCH, as I am blowing a load. I will thus be able to loosely speak about Donkey Punch from a empathetic postion for the female victims of this sexual travesty that is called DONKEY PUNCH.
Da Burglar is willing to put life and limb, and custom medical hardware, on the line for young chicks who dont want to do real work and instead fuck on film for a living; young, sexy, hott, LAZY-ass chicks whose lives are at risk because of Donkey Punch...
Are you gonna eat that?